Youth Research

Here you will find a showcase of youth participants’ successes in the EBAYS program.

Another measure of the efficacy of the EBAYS program is the output of its participants. Over the past several years, EBAYS youth have been involved in several research projects that have generated valuable information related to currently relevant environmental issues.

  • Youth research led to the identification of 70 homes in Washington, D.C. area where drinking water lead concentrations exceeded the US EPA mandated 15 ppb action level.
  • EBAYS youth scientists have identified areas of poor air and water quality in and around Oakland, California.
  • Teen participants in EBAYS have presented over fifty posters at professional scientific conferences (including AGU’s BrightSTARS program) and published abstracts that describe their work.
EBAYS youth Melanie Dzib Cruz, Jameil Lewis, and Jelani Lewis present their air and soil quality findings at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall 2019 Conference

Check Out Participant Projects Below!


Youth Publication in The Journal for High School Science (link)

EBAYS participant Pearl Werbach publishes an investigation into heavy metal contamination, income level, and institutional policies.

American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall 2023 Participation

EBAYS Participants at AGU 2023

EBAYS youth presented their research on lead in San Francisco Bay soils with 15 posters at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting. AGU is an international, professional science conference. Below are a few examples of their work:

The Correlation Between Median Income and Soil Lead (Pb) Levels In California’s San Francisco Bay Area: An Environmental Injustice Impacting Marginalized Communities (link)

American Geophysical Union, 2023. Research by: Arjun Krishnan & Colleen Sutherland.

PG&E, Lead in Facility Soils: Emeryville, CA (link)

American Geophysical Union, 2023. Research by: Calderon, Jamie; Matharu, Mankirat; Naghavi, Bita; Pelayo, Andrea; Shariff, Mona; Stewart, Trinity; Yafai, Aliya; Babb, Carly; Neiss, Jim

Historic Impacts of Redlining: Segregated Communities and Contamination: A Study of Lead in Residential Soils in Redlined Neighborhoods (link)

American Geophysical Union, 2023. Research by: Almuflihi, Ghadeer; Chen Wu, Wanling; Huang, Peihua; Lei, Thu Shun; Ma, JingYi; Paw, Eh Thro; Sampaga, Daniela; Wong, Hei Shun; Wong, Michelle; Wu, Yihua; Zhang, Gina; Neiss, Jim

Roadways, Parks, and Soil Lead Pollution in the East San Francisco Bay (link)

American Geophysical Union, 2023. Research by: Lusia Foster, Sophia Guan, & Colleen Sutherland


Youth Present to Joint Powers Authority on Local Lead Contamination Research Findings

On October 27, 2022, a group of EBAYS youth presented the findings of their environmental quality research to the Alameda County Joint Powers Authority Board of Directors, which is comprised of representatives from City Councils of each Alameda County city, the Alameda County Board of Supervisors, and the Alameda County Lead Poisoning Prevention Program.

United For Success Academy Town Hall

Research and communication by United For Success Academy 6th graders and members of Frontline Catalysts

Flint, MI Soil Lead Work

Research and communication by teens in Flint, Michigan.


High Lead (Pb) Levels in East Oakland, California Parks: An Indicator of Environmental Injustice in the San Francisco Bay Area

American Geophysical Union, 2020. Research by: Allison McCabe, Arjun Krishnan, Arnav Kushwah, Gunit Kaur, Julia Schweitzer, Laura Boifort, Raphael Barboza, Riya Puvvada, Sarah Park, Yi Luo, & Colleen Sutherland


Resuspension of Lead (Pb) in Oakland, CA Soils: Investigating a Possible Source of Urban Lead Contamination

American Geophysical Union, 2019. Research by: Melanie Dzib Cruz, Jameil Lewis, Jelani Lewis, & Colleen Sutherland





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